Boys' Sneakers

Shop Sneakers for Boys


Shop Boys' Shoes


Good style runs in the family. Shop Dr. Scholl's® Shoes for the best boys shoes, crafted with the styles  and ease you love and the feel-good comfort and flexibility for his every step that will make him smile. Our toddler boy shoes are built for anywhere and everywhere: running on the playground, enjoying a family outing, or taking a nature walk. For boys school shoes, our selection of boys tennis shoes and boys slip on shoes are ready for all-day learning, sports, and play. Our boys dress shoes keep your little guy looking sharp for family photos, vacations, and special occasions. Each style is lightweight, made to move free, and infused with our legendary comfort innovation. Casual or dress, indoors or outdoors, chill mode or on-the-go, travel-ready or staycation, the shoes for boys from Dr. Scholl's® are made for all your little one’s adventures. When it comes to shoes for the family, Dr. Scholl's® Shoes must-have selection tops our list. Shop playdate-ready, comfortable Dr. Scholl's® Shoes for toddlers, little boys, and big boys today.


Designing with an Eco-Conscious Purpose


Dr. Scholl’s® is proud to design with purpose, making less instead of more with quality shoes that last. Our collection of Dr. Scholl’s® eco-conscious comfort shoes and sneakers includes eco-friendly sourcing, eco-conscious and recycled materials, and partnering with low-waste factories. Eco-consciousness and do-good design is part of our heritage and our future. Shop our collection of Dr. Scholl’s® Eco-conscious Shoes today.